The following choreographies formalise all possible interactions that may occur in the system with ACMESky. Interactions that do not include ACMESky Service as the sender or recipient are ignored, as they are external and their implementation is unknown to the company.
Naming convention
The following abbreviations will be used:
- \(ACM\): the ACMESky Service
- \(FC_i\): a Fight Company Service, where \(i \in \{1...N\}\)
- \(PG\): the Prontogram Service
- \(BK\): the Bank Service
- \(GD\): the GeoDistance Service
- \(USR_j\): a user, where \(j \in \{1...M\}\)
- \(NCC_k\): the NCC Service, where \(k \in \{1...P\}\)
where \(N\), \(M\) and \(P\) are natural numbers.
All the following choreographies are part of a single parallel choreography. They are divided in four choreography for readability.
Requesting flights
ACMESky should ask to every flight company what are the available flights. This task is executed every hour.
\(\text{reqFlight}::=(\text{reqFlightInfo} : ACM \to FC_i)\;;\;(\text{resFlightInfo} : FC_i \to ACM)\)
where \(i\) can be any flight company and the operations are:
: request fights for the user;resFlightInfo
: respond fights' information to ACMESky.
Registering a user's interest
ACMESky should register if a user is interested in an air route.
\(\text{regUser}::=(\\ \; (\text{registerFlightInterest}: USR_j \to ACM) \;; \\ \;((\text{resConfirm}: ACM \to USR_j) \,+ (\text{resError}: ACM \to USR_j))\\ )^*\)
where \(j\) can be any users who want to register an interest for a flight, then ACMESky can reply with a confirmation or an error. The operations are:
: request from te user to register a new interest;resConfirm
: confim response;resError
: error response.
Receiving and notify last-minute offers
A flight company notify ACMESky that a last-minute offer is available. ACMESky, throught Prontogram, should notify every user interested. The user can decide to accept or ignore an offer. If a user accept an offer, then ACMESky notify the flight company.
\(\text{lastMinOffer}::=(\\ \;( \text{recvOffer}: FC_i \to ACM )\;;\\ \;( \text{notifyPG}: ACM \to PG )\;;\\ \;( \text{notifyUsr}: PG \to USR_j )\;;\\ \;( \text{offerRecv}: USR_j \to ACM )\;;\\ \;( \text{confirmRecv}: ACM \to FC_i )\\ )^*\)
This choreography is valid for each flight company \(i\) and for each user \(n\) that want to know about last-minute offers. The operations are:
: the flight company place a new offer;notifyPG
: ACMESky use Prontogram API to start the notification process;notifyUsr
: Prontogram notify every user;offerRecv
: the user confirm the reception of the code offer to ACMESky;confirmRecv
: ACMESky confirm to the Flight company the reception of the offer.
Buying a ticket
The user can buy a ticket, paying throughth the Bank Service. Then ACMESky check if the flight cost exceeds 1000 euros to offer free transfert service if the airport is 30 km away from the accommodation. ACMESky also book the nearest NCC company to the airport.
\(\text{buyTicket}::=(\\ \;(\text{wantToBuy}: USR_j \to ACM)\;;\\ \;(\text{requestPayment}: ACM \to BK)\;;\\ \;(\text{resPaymentData}: BK \to ACM)\;;\\ \;(\text{resPaymentData}: ACM \to USR_j)\;;\\ \;(\text{payReceipt}: USR_j \to BK)\;;\\ \;(\\ \;\;(\\ \;\;\;(\text{paymentFailed}: BK \to ACM)\;;\\ \;\;\;(\text{sendError}: ACM \to USR_j)\\ \;\;)\\ \;\;+\\ \;\;(\\ \;\;\;(\text{paymentOk}: BK \to ACM)\;;\\ \;\;\;(\text{bookTicket}: ACM \to FC_i)\;;\\ \;\;\;(\text{sendTicketData}: FC_i \to ACM)\;;\\ \;\;\;(\\ \;\;\;\; 1 + \\ \;\;\;\;(\\ \;\;\;\;\;(\text{calcGeoDistance}: ACM \to GD)\;;\\ \;\;\;\;\;(\text{resDistance}: GD \to ACM)\;;\\ \;\;\;\;\;(\\ \;\;\;\;\;\;1 + \\ \;\;\;\;\;\;(\\ \;\;\;\;\;\;\;(\\ \;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;(\text{calcGeoDistance}: ACM \to GD)\;;\\ \;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;(\text{resDistance}: GD \to ACM)\\ \;\;\;\;\;\;\;)^*\;;\\ \;\;\;\;\;\;\;(\text{bookTransport}: ACM \to NCC_k)\;;\\ \;\;\;\;\;\;\;(\text{resBookTransport}: NCC_k \to ACM)\;;\\ \;\;\;\;\;\;)\\ \;\;\;\;\;)\\ \;\;\;\;)\\ \;\;\;)\;;\\ \;\;\;(\text{sendTicketAndData}: ACM \to USR_j)\\ \;\;)\\ \;)\\ )^*\)
where \(USR_j\) is any user, \(FC_i\) is any flight company and \(NCC_k\) is any rental service. The opertations are:
: a user insert a code to buy a ticketrequestPayment
: ACMESky requests the generation of a new payment practiceresPaymentData
: the bank creates the payment practice and return the informationsresPaymentData
: ACMESky returns the information to the user and ask to pay the billpayReceipt
: the user pay with its bank detailspaymentFailed
: the payment has failed and ACMESky is notifiedsendError
: ACMESky notify the user of the failed operationpaymentOk
: the payment was succesful and the user is notifiedbookTicket
: ACMESky asks the flight company to book the ticketsendTicketData
: the flight comapany sends the ticket informations to ACMESkycalcGeoDistance
: ACMESky asks the distance of two points to the GeoDistance serviceresDistance
: the GeoDistance service responds to ACMESkybookTransport
: ACMESky books a cabin for the userresBookTransport
: the rental service responds with details to ACMESkysendTicketAndData
: ACMESky sends the ticket and all the optional informations to the user
Verifying connectedness
We will analyse the connectedness of the separeted choreographies because there are no codition for parallel composition.
Requesting flights
This choreography is connected for the sequence because the receiver in reqFlightInfo
is equal to the sender in resFlightInfo
. This choreography is connected for the sender pattern.
Registering a user's interest
This choreography is connected because the receiver in registerFlightInterest
is equal to the sender in both resConfirm
and resError
. This choreography is connected for the sender pattern.
Receiving and notify last-minute offers
This choreography is connected because the receiver in recvOffer
is equal to the sender in notifyPG
, the receiver in notifyPG
is equal to the sender in notifyUsr
, the receiver in notifyUsr
is equal to the sender in confirmRecv
and the receiver in confirmRecv
is equal to the sender in recvOffer
. This choreography is connected for the sender pattern.
Buying a ticket
This choreography is connected because:
- the receiver in
is equal to the sender inrequestPayment
; - the receiver in
is equal to the sender inresPaymentData
; - the receiver in
is equal to the sender inpayReceipt
; - the receiver in
is equal in both operation's senders (paymentFailed
); - the receiver in
is equal to the sender insendError
; - the receiver in
is equal to the sender insendTicketAndData
; - the receiver in
is equal to the sender inbookTicket
; - the receiver in
is equal to the sender insendTicketData
; - the receiver in
is equal to the sender incalcGeoDistance
; - the receiver in
is equal to the sender insendTicketAndData
; - the receiver in
is equal to the sender inresDistance
; - the receiver in
is equal to the sender inbookTransport
; - the receiver in
is equal to the sender insendTicketAndData
; - the receiver in
is equal to the sender insendTicketAndData
; - the receiver in
is equal to the sender inwantToBuy
This choreography is connected for the sender pattern \((b=c)\), so the entire choreography is connected.
Choreographies where the participant taken in consideration is not present will be ignored.
\(\text{proj}(\text{reqFlight}, ACM) = \overline{\text{reqFlightInfo}}@FC_i\;;\;\text{resFlightInfo}@FC_i\)
\(\text{proj}(\text{regUser}, ACM) = \text{registerFlightInterest}@USR_j\;;\;(\overline{\text{resConfirm}@USR_j}\;+\; \overline{\text{resError}@USR_j})\)
\(\text{proj}(\text{lastMinOffer}, ACM) = ((\text{recvOffer}@FC_i);(\overline{\text{notifyPG}}@PG); 1; (\text{offerRecv}@USR_j);(\overline{\text{confirmRecv}}@FC_i)) \\ = ((\text{recvOffer}@FC_i);(\overline{\text{notifyPG}}@PG); (\text{offerRecv}@USR_j);(\overline{\text{confirmRecv}}@FC_i))\)
\(\text{proj}(\text{buyTicket}, ACM) = (\\ \;(\text{wantToBuy}@USR_j)\;;\\ \;(\overline{\text{requestPayment}@BK})\;;\\ \;(\text{resPaymentData}@BK)\;;\\ \;(\overline{\text{resPaymentData}@USR_j})\;;\\ \;1\;;\\ \;(\\ \;\;(\\ \;\;\;(\text{paymentFailed}@BK)\;;\\ \;\;\;(\overline{\text{sendError}}@USR_j)\\ \;\;)\\ \;\;+\\ \;\;(\\ \;\;\;(\text{paymentOk}@BK)\;;\\ \;\;\;(\overline{\text{bookTicket}@FC_i})\;;\\ \;\;\;(\text{sendTicketData}@FC_i)\;;\\ \;\;\;(\\ \;\;\;\; 1 + \\ \;\;\;\;(\\ \;\;\;\;\;(\overline{\text{calcGeoDistance}@GD})\;;\\ \;\;\;\;\;(\text{resDistance}@GD)\;;\\ \;\;\;\;\;(\\ \;\;\;\;\;\;1 + \\ \;\;\;\;\;\;(\\ \;\;\;\;\;\;\;(\\ \;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;(\overline{\text{calcGeoDistance}@GD})\;;\\ \;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;(\text{resDistance}@GD)\\ \;\;\;\;\;\;\;)^*\;;\\ \;\;\;\;\;\;\;(\overline{\text{bookTransport}@NCC_k})\;;\\ \;\;\;\;\;\;\;(\text{resBookTransport}@NCC_k)\;;\\ \;\;\;\;\;\;)\\ \;\;\;\;\;)\\ \;\;\;\;)\\ \;\;\;)\;;\\ \;\;\;(\overline{\text{sendTicketAndData}@USR_j})\\ \;\;)\\ \;)\\ )\)
\(\text{proj}(\text{reqFlight}, FC_i) = \overline{\text{reqFlightInfo}}@ACM\;;\;\text{resFlightInfo}@ACM\)
\(\text{proj}(\text{lastMinOffer}, FC_i) = \\ \;\;\;(\overline{\text{recvOffer}}@ACM)\;;\;1\;;\;1\;;\;\;1\;;\;(\text{confirmRecv}@ACM)\; \\ =\overline{\text{recvOffer}}@ACM\;;\;\text{confirmRecv}@ACM\)
\(\text{proj}(\text{buyTicket}, FC_i) = (\;1\;;\;1\;;\;1\;;\;1\;;\;1\;;\;\;(\;(1;1)\;+\;(\;1\;;\;\\ \;\;(\text{bookTicket}@ACM)\;;\;(\overline{\text{sendTicketData}}@ACM)\;;\\ \;\;(\;1\;+\;(\;1\;;\;1\;;\;(\;1\;+\;\;(\;(\;1\;;\;1\;)^*;\;1;\;1\;;\;))));1)))\\ = (\text{bookTicket}@ACM) \;;\;(\overline{\text{sendTicketData}}@ACM)\)
\(\text{proj}(\text{lastMinOffer}, PG) = \;1\;;\;\text{notifyPG}@ACM\;;\;\overline{\text{notifyUsr}}@USR_j\;;\;1\;;\;1\; \\ \;= \;\text{notifyPG}@ACM\;;\;\overline{\text{notifyUsr}}@USR_j\)
\(\text{proj}(\text{buyTicket}, BK) = \;1\;;\\ \;(\;\text{requestPayment}@ACM)\;;\;(\overline{\text{resPaymentData}}@ACM)\;;\;1\;;\\ \;(\text{payReceipt}@USR_j)\;;\;(\;(\overline{\text{paymentFailed}}@USR_j)\;+\;(\;(\overline{\text{paymentOk}}@USR_j)\;;\\ 1\;;\;1\;;\;(\;(1;1)\;+\;(\;1\;;\;1\;;(\;1\;+\;\;(\;(\;1\;;\;1\;)^*;1;\;\;1\;))));1))\\ = (\text{requestPayment}@ACM)\; ;\; (\overline{\text{resPaymentData}}@ACM)\; ;\\ \;\;\;(\text{payReceipt}@USR_j)\;; \;(\; (\overline{\text{paymentFailed}}@USR_j)\; +\; (\overline{\text{paymentOk}}@USR_j)\;)\)
\(\text{proj}(\text{buyTicket}, GD) = \;1\;;\;1\;;\;1\;;\;1\;;\;1\;;\;(\;(1;1)\;+\;(\;1\;;\;1\;;\;1\;;\;(\;1\;+\;(\;\\ \;\;\;(\text{calcGeoDistance}@ACM)\;;\;(\overline{\text{resDistance}}@ACM)\;;\\ \;\;\;(\;1\;+\;\;(\;(\;(\text{calcGeoDistance}@ACM)\;;\;(\overline{\text{resDistance}}@ACM)\;)^*;\\ 1;\;\;1\;))));1))\\ = (\;1\;+\;(\text{calcGeoDistance}@ACM)\;;\;(\overline{\text{resDistance}}@ACM)\;;\; (\;1\;+\;(\text{calcGeoDistance}@ACM)\;;\;(\overline{\text{resDistance}}@ACM)))\)
\(\text{proj}(\text{regUser}, USR_j) = \overline{\text{registerFlightInterest}}@ACM\;;\;(\text{resConfirm}@ACM\;+\; \text{resError}@ACM)\)
\(\text{proj}(\text{lastMinOffer}, USR_j) = \;1\;;\;1\;;\;(\text{notifyUsr}@PG)\;;\;(\overline{\text{offerRecv}}@ACM)\;;\;1 \\ \;=\;\text{notifyUsr}@PG\;;\;\overline{\text{offerRecv}}@ACM\)
\(\text{proj}(\text{buyTicket}, USR_j) = (\\ \;(\overline{\text{wantToBuy}}@ACM)\;;\\ \;1\;;\\ \;1\;;\\ \;(\text{resPaymentData}@ACM)\;;\\ \;(\overline{\text{payReceipt}}@BK)\;;\\ \;(\\ \;\;(\\ \;\;\;1\\\ \;\;\;(\text{sendError}@ACM)\\\ \;\;)\\ \;\;+\\ \;\;(\\ \;\;\;1\;;\\ \;\;\;1\;;\\ \;\;\;1\;;\\ \;\;\;(\\ \;\;\;\; 1 + \\ \;\;\;\;(\\ \;\;\;\;\;1\;;\\ \;\;\;\;\;1\;;\\ \;\;\;\;\;(\\ \;\;\;\;\;\;1 + \\ \;\;\;\;\;\;(\\ \;\;\;\;\;\;\;(\\ \;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;1\;;\\ \;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;1\\ \;\;\;\;\;\;\;)^*\;;\\ \;\;\;\;\;\;\;1\;;\\ \;\;\;\;\;\;\;1\;;\\ \;\;\;\;\;\;)\\ \;\;\;\;\;)\\ \;\;\;\;)\\ \;\;\;)\;;\\ \;\;\;(\text{sendTicketAndData}@ACM)\\ \;\;)\\ \;)\\ )\\ = (\overline{\text{wantToBuy}}@ACM)\;;\; (\text{resPaymentData}@ACM)\;;\;\\ (\overline{\text{payReceipt}}@BK)\;;\; (\;(\text{sendError}@ACM)\;+\; (\text{sendTicketAndData}@ACM)\;)\)
\(\text{proj}(\text{buyTicket}, NCC_k) = \;1\;;\;1\;;\;1\;;\;1\;;\;1\;;\\ \;\;(\;(1;1)\;+\;(\;1\;;\;1\;;\;1\;;\;(\;1\;+\;(\;1\;;\;1\;;\;(\;1\;+\;\;(\;(\;1\;;\;1\;)^*;\\ \;\;\;\;(\text{bookTransport}@ACM);\\ \;\;\;\;(\overline{\text{resBookTransport}}@ACM)\;;\\ \;\;))));1)) = (\text{bookTransport}@ACM)\;;\;(\overline{\text{resBookTransport}}@ACM)\)